Brandi and Eddie

Brandi and Eddie

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hey guys,

Wanted to share a few thoughts about what Freedom means? Some folks say it's our right by being born in the united states. Some say that it's guaranteed to us all as a US citizen... Well some if the things I think of is that it does not come free and nothing is ever guaranteed, with Memorial day coming up this month take some time to reflect and appreciate the brave men and women that have fought for our "freedom" their lives were not free but rather cost their friends and familes dearly. Freedom is also a state of mind and what or how you choose to live your life. Don't ever let anything hold you back if your not happy do something about it! Don't expect that things will just come to you. Nothing ever comes free and anything worth having is worth the hard work to get it. Kind of deep for a Friday night but just doing some ponderin :-) Good night and God bless.


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